Senior Care and Healthcare Freelance Writing Samples
Everybody needs health care, and everyone who lives long enough will need senior care. Both industries are vast, complex, and difficult for individuals and businesses to navigate effectively—which is especially frustrating considering how high-stakes they are.
Content marketing is one way businesses can help demystify these often confusing industries, and provide customers (and prospective customers) with genuinely valuable information, while also building trust.
Health Stipends for Small Business Employees: the Good, the Bad, (and the Better Option)
The small business health insurance market is extremely complicated and expensive. For many small business owners, it seems much easier and more straightforward to simply offer employees a stipend to buy their own health insurance. But before you go that route, it’s important to understand the downsides of giving employees extra cash for health insurance.
How to Shop for a Health Care Plan While Pregnant (or Planning to Be)
Bringing an entire new human being into the world is already an overwhelming feat. But as if having a new baby wasn’t stressful enough, the average cost of pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum care in the U.S. is nearly $19,000—and that’s for people with insurance. When embarking on something you know will have such a high cost, taking care to find the right health care plan is just smart. This guide covers some of the main things to look for in a health care plan when you’re expecting to be expecting.
How Prescription Coverage Works: A Guide for Small Businesses and Their Employees
Whether you have a current prescription you definitely want to maintain access to, or expect you’ll need a prescription at some point in the future (something true of everyone living in a human body), understanding how a health insurance plan handles prescription drug coverage is important. Here’s a guide on what small business owners and employees need to know about prescription drug coverage.
5 Benefits for Older Adults of Using Technology
While the amount of new technology available may seem overwhelming for many seniors, taking time to learn new tech tools can bring several notable benefits. From improved communication to better access to healthcare services to increased independence, learn five reasons why it’s worth using technology.
What a Medicare Advantage Flex Card is and How to Get One
Once you become eligible for Medicare at 65, you face the decision of whether a Medicare Advantage plan is right for you. Understanding what a Medicare Advantage flex card is can help you decide whether a plan that offers one is right for you.
Teaching Children How to Talk to Loved Ones With Dementia
Watching your loved ones with dementia handle the symptoms of the disease is difficult no matter your age, but it can be especially confusing for children that don’t understand what’s happening. This post provides tips for how to teach your children to communicate with a grandparent with Alzheimer’s.
Which Type of Senior Care is Right for Your Loved One?
Accepting that your loved one needs senior care is hard enough, but determining which type of senior care they need is a whole other process—and one with high stakes. This post outlines the five main types of senior care options and tips for how to choose the right one for a loved one.
How to Deal with Aggression and Dementia
One of the most troubling symptoms of Alzheimer’s is aggression. And it’s especially upsetting for families who have never seen aggressive behavior in their loved one before. This post provides seven tips from experts on how to deal with aggression in dementia patients.
The Movement for Age-Friendly Cities
One of the biggest issues facing older adults now is that most cities aren’t built with the needs of seniors in mind. But some cities and organizations are working to change that. This post describes some of the ways cities can work to become more age friendly.
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